Thank you for inquiring about the Windsor Gravy Train, Slices Edition, for Sunday, July 18!
This event has a rain date of Sunday, July 25. Please keep this in mind when booking a performance!
Select from our three Gravy Train experiences, and enjoy a delicious Slices pizza as well as your choice of Craft Heads beer while Bob Soulliere performs a socially distanced mini-concert for you to enjoy from the comfort and safety of your own front porch.

Select from our three Gravy Train experiences, and enjoy a delicious Slices pizza as well as your choice of Craft Heads beer while Bob Soulliere performs a socially distanced mini-concert for you to enjoy from the comfort and safety of your own front porch.
I’m intrigued! What do I get when I order?
Starting at only $55, Bob will serenade you while you enjoy the best pizza that Windsor has to offer. Build your package from the following menu options:

Cheese & Pepperoni
The Windsor Pie
The Kamaya Maya
This Little Piggy Went Home

Aardvark Blonde
New Vienna Lager
Bluesberry Blonde Ale
Fla’Mango Ale
Tropical Whirlpool IPA
Feather Hat Guy IPA
Surfside IPA
Motown Honey Brown
Next On Stage Amber
Under the Sea Salted Caramel
Turbulent Chocolate P.B. Porter
Coffee Stout
Tell me about the available packages!
Economy package: includes a Slices Family Size Pizza (18 piece), 500mL of Craft Heads beer, and three songs from a local musician for $55
Touring package: includes a Slices Family Size Pizza (18 piece), a 2L growler of Craft Heads Beer, and three songs for $90
Prestige package: includes a Slices Family Size Pizza (18 piece), a 2L growler, shirts and face masks from both Phog and Meteor, and three songs for $140
Oh, but there’s more!
You can also add pizza or beer, à la carte, to any order.
Slices pizzas are $25 each (selected from the above menu). 500mL bottles of Craft Heads beer is $7 each. Growlers of Craft Heads beer are $20 each (don’t forget, you can return the growler for refill or refund!). Phog and Meteor T-shirts are $20 each, masks $10 each.
Is this safe? Is this legal?
The weather is beautiful! The air is fresh! Every expert has told us that being outdoors is the best way to enjoy yourself while keeping you and those you care about safe while we navigate this pandemic. We expect the Province of Ontario to open up outdoor activities well in advance of this date, and with increasing numbers of people being vaccinated we don’t foresee any Covid-related postponements or cancellations from this point.
Regardless, we do ask you to work with us to help keep your Gravy Train stop socially distanced. It is the responsibility of the resident to ensure that physical distancing guidelines are being enforced.
If you have additional friends/family who would like to share in the performance, please arrange a socially distanced means for them to watch from a safe space — taking into consideration the phase that your community is currently in. Watching from a car or on the street has been a common option.
The safety and well-being of our performers is our primary focus. As such, we reserve the right to conclude a show if appropriate social distance guidelines are not being followed.
Furthermore, we ask that you select an area for the performance that facilitates physical distancing and can shelter musicians from snowfall/rainfall, if possible. The musicians may have electronic equipment that they need to keep dry. Large patio umbrellas, garages or covered porches work well. We’ve loved the creativity that past customers have shown in preparing stages, complete with lighting and heat!
I’m in! What do you need from me?
Payment prior to showtime is much appreciated. E-transfers can be sent to
A three-prong extension cord nearby is helpful as well. We will need access to power for amplifiers and lighting, so pleas ensure that a working outdoor outlet is available.
It is also requested that, at the time of your booking, you provide us with an address and telephone number in case we need to contact you with a last-minute cancellation — either due to weather, or due to requests from authorities. (We don’t foresee any problems, but we want to be prepared on the off chance we are approached by an officer who interprets the restrictions differently than we do.)
Tips are encouraged for the artists when they are performing. They all have a socially-distanced tip jar for guests and passers-by. This has been instrumental in sustaining these musicians during the last two months. We’ve been amazed by the perseverance of the artists in the colder weather. Since March weather can be unpredictable, we hope you’re prepared for any weather contingencies!
We can’t stress enough how beneficial this has been to members of the music community who have been forced to remain idle while we work to slow the spread of COVID-19. Contact us with ANY questions at!